This post is about control sources that attempt to sabotage your path to freedom. By control sources I mean any force, internal or external, that keeps you off your path.
It encompasses for the most part your inner mind, voices of self-doubt and other judgments, which create beliefs and then conclusions. It also includes religious suppression, ancestral conditioning etc.
Possibilities, opportunities or solutions may be presented to you that are not actually in your best interest if you believe what they present without following your intuition. These are all there for your awakening.
So the question becomes, how to discern all this from your truth?
By the way, you may get triggers or resistances come up as you read this post. If so, notice that these are your very inner control mechanisms already trying to keep you away from breaking free.
No matter how you look at it, the reality is that these forces exist within us and permeate every aspect of our lives, as our reality is an energetic hologram (a projection field) that mirrors our internal world.
Influence of control sources
These sources range from governmental spying through technology, that we at some level voluntarily consented to by our participation, down to the subtle energies that attempt to keep us in a soup of confusion and distortion so we do not feel ourselves and access our true power and potential.
These subtle energies can be picked up if you are highly sensitive and attuned to what is going on at deeper levels. When we move into alignment and show up in our awakened self with our full potential, we get to truly experience what holds us back, which is the noise like static that most of the world is engaged in, distracted by, as most people are numbed out from themselves.
This is why much of the world is not yet awakened to who they really are.
I will share 3 key ingredients to help you on your path of discerning who you are from conditioning and other influences. Sometimes these are obvious, often they are subtle in taking you off track. The reason this happens is to provide contrast and give us the option to trust our intuition.
You know, as a short story, when I was young I loved to watch the movie Labyrinth (1986) with David Bowie. In this magical world full of symbolism, which is more relevant and interesting than most movies produced today, there is a scene where the main character finds herself in the labyrinth looking for directions to the castle.
But, the maze plays tricks on her, and at one point she is about to give up. She then settles down and in that moment begins to notice how much there are creatures around her. She asks a rather intelligent worm for directions. The worm then shows her an opening (the way) and she needs to pick a left or right. When she picks left (intuitively), the worm tells her never to go that way, so instead she picks right. After the worm says ‘if only she picked left, she would have gotten straight to the castle’.
This is a perfect representation of our inner world. This was her inner world of getting the help she needed, in the form of being misguided to show her how intuitively right she was all along, if only she believed in herself. The movie was way ahead of its time, as it’s all very relevant still today.
In any case, here are the ingredients.
First ingredient
The first ingredient you need to break free is your inner fire.
Simply put, you need to be determined to be able to generate enough inner momentum to move out of the suppressive soup and no longer stand for what is not in alignment with your truth. This is a journey in and of itself and requires your discernment between who you are and who you are not (a strong self identity).
Embracing anger is a good first step in this direction. Without anger, you will be depolarised and remain flat energetically, and you will not be able to harnass strong forces to break through barriers and blocks. This will make you in some ways vulnerable to boundary violation and abuse, whether physical, emotional, sexual or in the form of neglect, not being seen, acknowledged, under-appreciated or under-rewarded etc.
Not only that, you will also not have a more fierce access to your boundary that helps you discern your truth from any illusions or falsities that you will be presented with, as you awaken.
This fire and anger I’m talking about here is not about being or becoming angry, but rather it is a state of energetic embodiment. Imagine anger is like a nuclear reactor and nuclear energy is your life force. Rather than getting unstable (rage) or shut down (dissociation/disconnection), you need to have relatively stable internal access to your life-force (efficient and stable nuclear energy). This is the energy of your anger channeled through your being in a state of continuous flow and from a point of balance.
Second ingredient
Another powerful ingredient to help you navigate control sources is ownership and responsibility.
If you can take responsibility for your shadow behaviours, which is not just about stating that you do, but actually being able to share and show up with them vulnerably and openly in connection, you will harness more of the power of truth, which is the only unstoppable force that you can depend on.
By the way, I have yet to encounter an embodied practitioner or facilitator who is awakened, fully embracing his or her shadows and can help others awaken in a real, nuanced and in the moment manner. High expectations I know, and I expect nothing less because this is my passion and purpose.
Our shadow behaviours are those behaviours we suppress, hide or hold back out of fear because we judge them to define and determine who we are. A topic I will be writing more about, as shadow forms a critical component of what I work with through my sessions to help you awaken to your truth.
For me, there is a reason I did not show up, as I didn’t feel strong enough in my own identity to stand my ground with fierce self-love (my anger) and own my shadow behaviours (ownership). I was run by fear which generated internal unsafety and instability.
Essentially, I was afraid of my own power and feel my own life-force (that which I consider feminine energy). The unsafety and fear became my internalised control patterns that then also controlled others. That’s my vulnerable share and personal ownership right now, as an example.
And that’s OK, because we are all on a path of learning and there are no mistakes. The overall practice that I’d like to promote and practice is to hold a space of self-love and compassion around our shadow behaviours and our unconsciousness for our actions.
Third ingredient
The third ingredient I’d like to share is to practice coming from lightness and joy. Now there is a caveat to this. If you do not fully take ownership and responsibility for who you are and how you show up or showed up in the past, what will happen is your joy and lightness will not be fully authentic.
This is because to be authentic you need to be whole in your self-acknowledgment, which means not only embracing the love and goodness, but also your shadow. You know, those parts you don’t like, want to suppress, stay away from at any cost, pretend aren’t there, are disconnected or dissociated from. None of us have these of course, but we all know people who do, right…? 🙂
You come into true joy and lightness through genuine ownership and taking responsibility, because it is vulnerable, true and opens your heart and the hearts of others.
True inner freedom is about self-empowerment and breaking out of the matrix of illusions, for which you will need to cultivate these ingredients.
Inspired insights
One inspired insight that I want to share is how amazing the intelligence of our defense system is that keeps us safe and yet prevents our growth and expansion into our true selves. Notice how this applies equally to the intelligence of the worlds’ defensive and control systems, that essentially subjugate unconscious people away from the possibility of awakening.
Relatively few people still are on the awakening journey, and even less are ready to be a role-model for others through their own awakened state of being.
Another inspired insight is to remember that you can always rely on truth. Truth gives you true stability, will feel light and inspire others. Even in the darkest of times, you can always shine your light on deeper truths on what is unacknowledged in each and every moment.
The third inspired insight is to recognise that to the extent you give your power away, which is your responsibility for your own life, other sources of control come into you. They fill the void of your lack of self-identity and will make decisions for you. This is not because they are evil, it simply is to show you this void in yourself exists. But realise that all power lies within you and is available here and now, not in a future scenario. The practice then becomes to grow that muscle of feeling it and expanding into it.