Global transformation of consciousness

I want to make the statement that I am a bridge between intangible and tangible realities. The first is our inner spiritual and emotional world connected to pure energy, the other our material reality.

Now, with my sensitivity I can translate what is happening for someone at the energy or frequency level (whichever you prefer), into wisdom. I do this by noticing patterns that give off energetic signatures.

This is needed given what is largely missing by many in our collective awareness today is the choice to live from a much greater spiritual essence than what is perceived.

There exists a whole energetic realm that spiritual people are more aware of, yet to the finest and most subtle levels are often not fully capable of integrating and translating to the outer environment.

This really requires mastery.

A true bridging or translation function between these two worlds is thus essential for collective transformation. And, many are still unconscious of the idea that the state of our inner being governs form (our outer reality) and our life experiences, whether in our micro-bubble (personal lives) or the macro bubble (the greater collective).

Being open is the gate to collective transformation

When we hold the belief that spirituality and energy don’t exist, let alone govern our very lives, there is no allowance for a different truth to emerge. This keeps away the very step that allows for new possibilities to come in and be experienced in the first place.

At some level this is a purposeful part of our control matrix. By that I expressly mean to say that dominant power structures not founded on principles of truth have by design facilitated control over humanity. Control that we gave away out of ignorance and unawareness of our deepest truth.

Even this is a perfect setup for us to awaken, also by design.

Someone needs to lead the way to such change. And as magnificent as efforts of spiritual teachers, guru’s and healers have been, it hasn’t been enough to impact global humanity, at least not yet.

Why you ask? Simply and directly put, this is due to the many vagueries and cookie-cutter wisdoms shared and promoted by spiritual beings that are not grounded and embodied (healed) in what they know to be truth and are living this out as an example.

Some commonly refer to these as spiritual bypassers, not an ideal term because many of us are essentially people with un-integrated trauma that requires a lot of love and support.

But, this ‘bypassing’ is coming from an inability (unconsciousness or even denial) to notice they are in need of larger support coming not just from an outside source, but even from their own connection to their deeper self. This alone requires an awakening process, and cannot be forced or rushed.

Back to trust. To stand strong in your truth requires gravitas, an earthly weight, which comes from having done a sufficient level of inner work. Only then will a deeper level of truth shine through you that previously was unavailable or inaccessible. One that lands and opens in others.

The world of spirituality has further gotten a bad rap from being tainted by misrepresentatives, fakers, manipulators, power-hungry controllers, sexual predators, wrong-doers and genuine attemptors.

Granted, most of these are the minor examples, but these incidences created the very headlines that unaware people, who typically also follow the media or ‘hear stories’, remain controlled by based on information that is not serving their highest selves. They are then serving humanity not from their light but through living in the shadow of a deeper truth that remains dormant as potential.

I know, because I have long stood in the shadow of my truth.

And all credit to the attempts by these beings to bring a new world, it was where our collective level of awakening and healing was at. All experiences and exchanges, “good” or “bad”, are necessary healing, and there is perfection in timing too. However, what I am claiming is that misinformation has simultaneously served as the perfect excuse for those already sceptical to justify their non-beliefs.

Given all of this, how could there ever be a meeting in the middle….?
The answer is, there could not.

A meeting in the middle requires openness for the possibility that what we have learned so far as humanity may not be true, that what we were taught as the foundation of our lives that seemed so solid in science for example, may not be so solid. It served it’s purpose, and there are relative truths. Nothing is ever wasted, lost, or “wrong”. But the deeper truths, those remained out of scope.

Coming to this place requires a willingness to go deeply within to observe and then step outside of the boxes that we tell ourselves are real. Boxes of conditioning that tells us on all levels what we can or cannot do. This doesn’t require “action steps”, it requires simply openness and awareness.

One of these, as an example is how when we awaken, life (reflected in our spirit) supports us no matter what. This means the need to “do” something that so many of us are caught up in is based almost entirely on ego and fear.

When we begin to be open to propositions like the above, we can begin to restart our lives, a rebirth. We start to live from scratch with a renewed childlike curiosity about different possibilities and ‘what ifs’ that previously we could not imagine were possible.

Childlike curiosity is our innocence which is the essence of our truth, untained by past experiences and conditioning that almost exclusively gets in the way of the natural openness that is so needed for global awakening.

Unfortunately, rebirthing to our true nature is also where we get in touch with our core (childhood) wounds that especially sensitives and spiritual seekers know well.

Not having been acknowledged or cherished when we were in our truth, or receiving deep love for who we were in this place, this is where hurt, rejection, neglect or abuse often filled this void.

This is regardless of blame towards our caretakers. The adage applies that everyone did the best they could in where they were at, and that there are no accidents. These experiences truly were not a series of random or unfortunate events that often ‘non-spiritual people’ believe, which on another level is yet another perfect strategy to avoid getting in touch with their inner reality and become awakened. And yet, these wounds have cut deep into humanity’s core and become part of our life journey.

If we want a different world, we need to make choices. In the first place, we don’t need more global organisations and ‘calls to action’. And, at the same time, nothing “needs” to change. That is urgency speaking and often is a form of pressured impatience that means you are disconnected from the present moment (time) in which there is no urgency but only love for what is here in all its glory and goodness, right now.

But…… everything could change. Do you see, that’s true openness.

Inspired insights

The first inspired insight I want to share is that being open to being opened (curiosity) is a very important quality to master for your own growth as for the greater collective to entrain allowance of new possibilities. It’s the key to continuous renewal.

Another inspired insight is that painful life experiences are part of a larger purpose that you are being called to move into. You’ll know when you have sufficiently healed your wounds, as you will be able to stand strong in your renewed sense of truth, impact others differently and live out a much grander version of yourself more effortlessly simply by being who you are.

A third inspired insight is to notice how reframing global control structures as being part of a setup for us to awaken is one way to use ‘darkness’ to bring the very fuel to propel you forward rather than keep you in a (conspiracy) state of fear and powerlessness that we all can get entrenched or stuck in.


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